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PostPosted: Tue 11:58, 06 Aug 2013    Post subject: Teacher Interview Questions

The following is a list of possible teacher interview questions. I have broken up these teacher interview questions into several different categories to make it easier for you to prepare for your next teacher interview.
*Background Information*
Most teacher interviews begin with a handful of questions pertaining to your background. Don't forget...the interviewers obviously want to hire hollister france the best teacher, but they also want to hire a teacher that they will be able to work with for a long time to hollister outlet come. These background interview questions are important as they let your potential employer know who you are as a don't hold hollister uk back.
1. What are your hobbies and interests?
2. What is a recent book you have read?
3. Why did you choose to become a teacher?
4. Tell me about the three people who have most influenced your life..
5. What contributions can you make to our school outside of teaching in the classroom?
*Teacher Relationships With Students*
When answering this teacher interview question remember to stress the importance of the student-teacher relationship. This interpersonal relationship is one of the most important factors in having and maintaining an effective classroom. It is also one of the most underestimated factors in being an effective teacher.
1. What kind of students do you like to work with?
2. What do you do when you must teach students that are reluctant learners?
3. What do you do when a student ridicules an assignment, saying it doesn't make sense?
4. How do you help students experience success?
5. What are some of louboutin pas cher the ways you get to know your students personally?
6. How would you challenge the slow learner and the advanced learner within the same jordan class?
7. Are you friends with your students?
8. How would your students describe you?
*Teacher Relationships With Colleagues*
Again, during a teacher interview, your potential employer is not just looking for the best teacher, but he is louboutin soldes also looking for the best colleague...someone he can trust and work with for a long time.
1. What kind of teachers would you prefer to work with? Why?
2. Do you prefer working alone or as a team?
3. What extra curricular activities would you like to get involved with at our school?
4. What qualities do you have that would enhance our teaching staff?
5. What are some personality characteristics you find desirable or undesirable in people that you work with?
6. What needs hollister and/or expectations do you have of other teachers and the school administration?
*Teacher Relationships With Parents*
During any teacher interview you will have to express the importance of not only the teacher-parent relationship, but also specific strategies you plan to use to increase and improve that teacher-parent relationship.
1. Why is louboutin pas cher the parent-teacher relationship so important?
2. What are some effective ways to communicate with parents?
3. How would go about increasing parent involvement?
4. What do you do about parents who do not speak the same language as you?
5. What are some of the reasons why you would contact parents?
6. What would you include in your Open House presentation to parents?
*Teaching Strategies*
When push comes to shove this is the most important category of any teacher interview. You absolutely must convey to the interviewers that you are well louboutin versed in the most effective teaching strategies...Anything else is simply unacceptable.
1. How would you integrate technology into the curriculum you teach?
2. Describe some innovative projects or hands-on activities you have been involved with.
3. Give an example of how you have used cooperative learning in your classroom.
4. What teaching strategies do you use to motivate students to learn?
5. How do you integrate curriculum across subject/content areas?
6. How do you handle classroom management issues?
7. What are your classroom rules and classroom procedures?
8. What teaching strategies do you use to address the different learning styles of the students in your classes?

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